About Us

Founded November 2018

What We Offer

Our main goal is to provide affordable and reliable high-speed internet to the Kern River Valley.

We are Lake Linx

We Created it With Love

Three residents of the KRV shared their frustrations of their then current internet providers and found the alternatives weren’t any better for the price and speeds. Seeking a viable solution after months of research and discussions with local businesses, we were formed!

What We Do

keep it affordable and fast

We offer an affordable alternative to internet and telephone service to the Kern River Valley. Using unlicensed frequencies as allowed by the FCC, we are able to connect customers and keep everyones costs down.

Who we are

we’re local!

We are residents of the Kern River Valley. We are you. We understand the frustrations of watching Netflix, playing online games or attending online college courses and being disconnected right in the middle. We are here to help.

Meet Our Team

We are a team of techs, engineers and designers who love what we do.

Jeanette Montijo
Office Coordinator
Internet Specialist

Clinton Guidry
Field Technician
Internet Specialist

Nicholas Magarett
Support Technician
Tower Climber